- Txalaparta festival, organised by Jexux Artze Kultur Elkartea (see annual programme for May)
- Oreka Tx rehearsal room in Txokoaldea (by appointment, orekatx.com)
- Book on the Txalaparta by Joxean Artze (Lizardi bookshop)

A particular feature of Usurbil is the txalaparta. This old Basque per-cussion instrument was on the point of disappearing, and two people from Usurbil played an important part in its revival. The career and work of the Artze brothers have given Usurbil a special place in the history of the txalaparta. The piece Txalaparta by Remigio Mendiburu, symbol of the Ez Dok Amairu movement, also had a special relation-ship with Usurbil. Also, in relation to the txalaparta, Usurbil today has two important centres: Jexux Artze Kultur Elkartea and the group Oreka Tx, in the Txokoalde neighbourhood. Keep an eye on the programme, both to enjoy the events held throughout the year with this instrument and to join courses.
Egin zure erreserba
Meet the other Usurbils
Cultural agenda
Haur liburuaren nazioarteko eguna
XIII. Dantza Eguna
"Aztia" pieza eszenikoa