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In Usurbil the neighbourhoods and villages have a character of their own, located both within and outside the town itself. You can visit the spectacular church restored by the community for cultural and social activities in Aginaga, go to the cider brewery and hike along the river bank filled with vestiges of eel fishing, or go mountain biking. In Txokoalde you’ll find routes along the river bank, a restaurant and a rich natural setting. Kalezar is the old centre of the locality, where the town hall was sited in the 14th century. It has historic residential buildings and facilities to care for people. Santuenea is a working-class neighbourhood associated with migration and industry, an example of coexistence in which handball has played an important part in building the community and forms part of its identity. In Sant Esteban you’ll find its church and beautiful views. The earliest records of Zubieta date from the 15th century. It has several spectacular buildings, among them the Aizpurua house where the redevelopment of Donostia-San Sebastián was decided in the 19th century. Other highlights are its imposing rebote frontón court and the cider breweries.